Monday, October 20, 2008

Wellness Concept ~ Health & Wellness Tips !

DO YOU experience the symptoms below ?

-bowel movement is not smooth
-frequent constipation
-hard dry stools
-disturbed sleep patterns
-loss of vitality
-body odour and bad breath
-recurring headaches and dizziness
-digestion problem
-poor concentration, mood swings
-swollen stomach or flatulent
-high cholesterol
-sallow and dull complexion
-joints problem
-elevated blood pressure
-food craving
-allergies and intolerance to certain foods
-muscle pain, neck and shoulder stiffness

' Traffic Lights Organic Juicing '
– perfect supplementary organic food :

Humans should opt for primarily naturally produced organic food from vegetables, fruits and plants; it is our health’s basic condition. Organic food and all its component’s origins must be cultivated in an organic farm. For its cultivation, we must use the zero pollution naturally fertile organic soil, moreover its soil must not be contaminated or exposed to chemicals or other source of environment pollution. Organic food not only provides, but it also helps to maintain the nutrients and energy in the body, more importantly it helps to purify the body, helps the human body to remove the harmful toxin, strengthens the body’s immune system, and also helps to reduce blood fats and the blood serum cholesterol,helps to reduce blood sugar in the blood stream and control the cholesterol level so that it maintains at most ideal level. It also has a
vital role to improve arteriosclerosis, and promote bowel movement and thus promotes a healthy body.

What The Expert Says ?

The modern lifestyle that we lead today is major cause of many heath problems. It may also be the cause of several types of chronic diseases. This is mainly because the food that we consume
daily plays a very important role in maintaining our health. Insufficient or imbalance quantity of nutrients will slowly cause the cells in our body, organs and body system to change. Therefore,
we have the responsibility to pay serious attention towards our health, lifestyle and daily diet.
In accordance with market demand, Wellness Concept has produced a set of high quality health products. Our ‘Traffic Lights Organic Juicing’ - Barleygreen Premium, Beta Carrot and Beta Beet is highly recommended as it contains the basic nutrients which are most essential for our well being. It helps to provide balanced nutrition, colon cleansing and detoxification, blood cleansing, activation of cells, increase immune system, and promote health and longevity. It is a perfect nutritional meal for busy working class community.

Wellness Concept ~ The Dynamic 6 Products@Benefits@PriceList !

Click image/photo for 'Large View'.

Value ~ Milk vs Barleygreen @ Comparison !

Click image/photo for 'Large View'.

Monday, October 6, 2008


大麥草 - 好處 :

~大麥草是有機健康食品 & 最佳天然保健食品 :

~ 單 項 資 源 營 養 平 衡, 易 為 人 體 吸 收.
~ 改 善 酸 性 體 質, 健 胃 正 腸.
~ 預 防 糖 尿 病 和 高 血 壓 .
~ 促 進 新 陳 代 謝,抗 老 化.
~ 中 和 自 由 基, 活 化 細 胞.
~ 排 毒 功 效, 美 膚 養 顏.
~ 增 強 免 疫 系 統.

Daun Barli Hijau - Faedah :
~ Serbuk Jus Barley Grass Organik dengan Brown Rice Organik .
( Barleygreen-Minuman Jus Hijau Organik )
~ Barleygreen adalah makanan / minuman kesihatan keseluruhan
~ Barleygreen bukan dadah atau ubat, ia adalah “ Jus Vegetable ”

~Enzim hidup dan Alkalizing agent
~Membantu mengawal-atur kandungan gula dalam darah
~Membantu menormalkan tekanan darah
~Mempunyai aktiviti Anti-platelet
~Mempunyai aktiviti Anti-carcinogenic
~Mempunyai aktiviti Anti-inflammatory
~Memperbaiki metabolism & kulit sihat berseri & melanjutkan usia
~Memperbaiki berat badan & kesihatan badan
~Menambah stamina & ketahanan sistem imun
~Membersihkan toksin dari badan seperti toksin arak dan toksin rokok
~Mengurangkan tahap kolesterol (LDL) …..

Barleygreen - Benefits :
~ Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder with Organic Brown Rice
( Barleygreen-Organic Green Juice Drink )
~ Barleygreen is a whole balanced food & nutrition food
~ Barleygreen is not a drug or medicine, it is a “ Vegetable Juice ”

~Life enzymes and Alkalizing agent
~Helps to stabilize blood sugar
~Helps to normalize blood pressure
~Has Anti-platelet activity
~Has Anti-carcinogenic activity
~Has Anti-inflammatory activity
~Improves metabolism & vibrant skin & slow down aging
~Improves weight control & promote healthy
~Increases stamina & immune system
~Cleansing toxins from body- toxins cigarette and beer
~Reduces Cholesterol (LDL) …..

Related links :

Order Now :

Retail Price : RM160(WM) ; RM170(EM)

Contact : Khoo Boo Huat.

H/P : 016-4991797.

BARLEYGREEN / DAUN BARLI HUJAU / 大麥草 : 4 Important Conditions EAT Your Way To Optimal Health With Your Foods :


Foods contaminated with chemicals easily burden our liver and kidney.

Extracted nutrients are isolated nutrients which are extremely concentrated but low in energy. They are not easily absorbed by our cells. In fact they make our cells stressful and acidify our blood.

Acidity is the main culprit of diseases including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, ostrioporosis and etc…..when our blood is acidic, the blood cells clump together and become creamy which slow down all metabolisms and our immune system is taxed. All stresses in work place, human relationship and etc.. will turn our body into acidic state. Organic Barleygreen prevents the loss of calcium with its high alkalinity and provides sufficient calcium to our bones. The calcium in Barleygreen is 11 times higher than milk. High alkalinity also ensures smooth flow of blood.

All cooked foods are dead foods (no enzymes) which is unable to activate our living cells. Enzymes are like the workers of a factory. A factory with all the sophisticated machines cannot function without workers. Similarly without enzymes all our organs fail to function. Death will be the worst result. Taking enzymes deficient foods enlarge our pancrease and diabetes manifest.Organic Barleygreen has 16 vitamins, 17 minerals, more than 300 enzymes and 18 amino acids (usable protein).
Organic Barleygreen detoxifies (clearing heavy metals, cholesterol) our body and simultaneously nourishes our cells with the complete nutrients.
Organic Barleygreen is easily absorbed with its processing method as the fiber is taken off therefore minimum energy is needed for digestion, on the contrary it enhances our body with energy as it contains wide spectrum of enzymes.

Related Links :

For further information please contact:

Barleygreen Khoo : 016-4991797.

Tan Choon Kooi : 016 4146338

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wellness Concept - Beta Beet @ 紅甜菜 !

Beta Beet 紅甜菜 :

香甜可口 調整體質

讓您神采飛揚 活力四射

您是否看過一種新鮮的食材,有著漂亮的酒紅色,吃起來有股淡淡的香甜味?這是來自歐美、紅遍生機飲食界的蔬菜『甜菜根』。長久以來, 在歐洲一直保持著極高的地位。甜菜根究竟有什麼樣的魅力,可以讓歐美人士如推崇呢?

古希臘神聖獻禮--阿波羅的禮物 :


紅甜菜根的重要營養寶庫 :

甜菜鹼 — 紅甜菜根特有物質

葉酸 — 紅血球形成的重要物質

☆ 參與紅血球的形成。
☆ 構成輔酶的一種成分,參與核酸及核蛋白的形成。

鐵 — 血紅素的重要成分

☆ 組成血紅素及肌紅素的成分。
☆ 參與紅血球的形成。
☆ 構成血紅素的重要成分。

鈣 — 維持骨骼的主要成分

☆ 構成牙齒與骨骼的主要成分。
☆ 維持心臟、肌肉正常收縮及神經的感應性。
☆ 活化凝血酶元轉變為凝血酶,幫助血液凝固。
☆ 控制細胞的通透性。
☆ 維持骨骼及牙齒的健康。

百綠紅甜菜根 BETA BEET :

我們都知道飲用新鮮蔬果汁是快速攝取養分及促進身體健康的有效方法之ㄧ,但是有機新鮮甜菜根不但取得不易,其準備、 榨汁及清洗的過程亦是極不方便而且昂貴。


訂購百綠紅甜菜根 : 250公克

建議售價:RM160(WM) ; RM170(EM).

Contact : Barleygreen Khoo

電話 : 016-4991797.

Wellness Concept - Beta Beet !

Beta Beet :

Beta Beet is a soluble powder made from the juice of organically-grown beets and contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients including folic acid, iron, calcium and betaine.

Beta Beet™ is a soluble powder made form the juice of organically-grown beets and contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients including folic acid, iron, calcium and betaine.

Like BarleyGreen, BetaBeet™ is produced from seed to finished product using organic cultivation, gentle juicing, and award-winning, low-temperature spray-drying process. Their special processing stabilizes the nutrients in the beet juice, providing you with live enzymes and whole food nutrition which is certified organic. The result is a delicious and nutrient-dense beet juice powder that provides you with the nutrients and detoxification power of fresh beets.

Benefits :

Beets help to detoxify the liver and blood while providing important support nutrients to the body. In addition, beets may protect the cardiovascular system, enhance fat metabolism and increase muscle mass.

Detoxification: The liver performs many functions including the use, storage, and deactivation of dietary-derived substances. BetaBeet provides nutrients critical to liver function and aids in the breakdown of toxins before they accumulate, thereby, helping to protect the liver. The vitamins and other nutrients contained in beets are intimately involved with proper fat absorption, transportation, and metabolism.

Cardiovascular Support: Betaine also plays an important role in the health of the cardiovascular system. Like vitamin B6 and folic acid, betaine helps reduce high blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which can be a risk factor for arteriosclerosis.

Fat Metabolism and Protein Deposition: Another important benefit from consuming beets is it’s potential for promoting fat metabolism and protein deposition leading to a leaner, healthier body. It is a cost-effective way of getting valuable nutrition. BetaBeet is suitable for both adults and children and the taste and color will appeal to everyone. BetaBeet’s nutrients are quickly absorbed by your body. It tastes great by itself or mixed with BarleyGreen and BetaCarrot.

Ingredients: Juice from organic beets and organic maltodextrin (a complex carbohydrate).

Take Care Of Your Health. Cancer Is A Silent Killer !

Good Health True Wealth !

Order Now : Retail Price /Per Bottle : RM160(WM) ; RM170(EM).

Contact : Khoo Boo Huat.

H/Phone : 016-4991797.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wellness Concept - Beta Carrot !

Beta Carrot :

Organic Carrot vs. Inorganic Carrot ;

Insist To Eat Organic Carrot .

Carrot Juice :

The Benefits of Carrot Juice to You :

Carrots are well known as the universal vegetable for juicing. Carrot juice has been well known as being a miracle juice, or "the king of juices". Many people around the world have found that if they include carrot juice in their daily diet, that their overall health improves enormously.

Carrot juice is very high in beta-carotene, and is a cancer-fighting agent. Beta-carotene is a pigment substance found in plants that can often form into vitamin A.
One 8-oz. glass of carrot juice contains 20,000 mg. of vitamin A. Toxicity can occur when vitamin A is taken in supplement form or in fish oil, but is completely safe in the vegetable form. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is able to attach to free radicals in the body.
Vitamin A helps to promote growth for visual light and color, prevents drying of the skin and eyes, helps maintain the digestive system and urinary tracts, as well as enhances the fight towards bacterial infection.

Vitamin A may also be an aid in helping to prevent certain forms of cancer. If you do not receive enough vitamin A, it may cause symptoms including: night blindness, poor growth, dry skin, and dry eye.
The vitamin A from freshly juiced carrots is very important for women who are pregnant. They need to build up and maintain the health of their own body, as well as the new developing child. Even after the baby is born, it is still imperative that fresh carrot juice is kept in the daily diet for the mother nursing the child.
Carrot juice may also be used to cleanse to liver and excrete fats and bile from the body. The liver is capable of storing large quantities of vitamin A over a period of years to be called upon when needed.

Another vitamin contained in carrot juice is Vitamin E. This vitamin appears in three forms, known chemically as alpha-, beta-, and gamma-tocopherol, and commonly known as the vitamin E complex. In animal experimentation, vitamin E has been found to affect reproduction. When foods bearing this vitamin were fed to animals that had failed to reproduce, their sterility was overcome.

Carrots also carry other vitamins such as B, C, D, E, and K, and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and traces of protein.
Carrots are rich in organic calcium that is invaluable to bones and teeth.

Inorganic calcium is almost useless to the body. The calcium in milk and white bread is inorganic and known to cause arthritis and gallstones.
Juicing your carrots will help to promote healthier hair, skin, and nails.
Drinking large amounts may cause the harmless effect of a slight yellowish color of the skin. Skin will feel velvety soft. The beta-carotene present in the skin is a natural protector for the common skin cancer.

Carrots are a natural blast of high energy. A mug of carrot juice in the morning will give you a competitive edge over coffee drinkers.

Beta Carrot takes a half pound of carrots and turns it into a convenient 10-gram serving of 100% pure carrot juice crystals. Using a Unique processing method, the fiber is removed from the carrots and the juice is crystallized, resulting in a residue-free, delicious, easy- to-drink mix. 360 gram of carrot juice crystals of Beta Carrot equal to 18 pounds of Fresh Organic Carrot.

Take Care Of Your Health. Cancer Is A Silent Killer !

Good Health True Wealth !

Order Now : Retail Price / Per Bottle : RM160(WM) ; RM170(EM).
Contact : Barleygreen Khoo
H/Phone : 016-4991797.

Wellness Concept - Beta Carrot@胡蘿蔔素 !

有機胡蘿蔔素 BETA CARROT :

Organic Carrot vs. Inorganic Carrot ;
Insist To Eat Organic Carrot .

美麗新配方 令人不由自主 眼睛一亮
胡蘿蔔 + 西印度櫻桃 = β胡蘿蔔素 + 維他命C !

美國有機農場生長的胡蘿蔔 :

• 幫助視紫質的形成,使眼睛適應光線的變化。

香甜多汁的西印度櫻桃 :


百綠胡蘿蔔素 BETA CARROT :

美商健綠出品的『百綠胡蘿蔔素』採自加州有機農場種植的新鮮胡蘿蔔,再加上維他命C豐富的西印度櫻桃,以低溫噴霧乾燥的特殊製程,完全保留其營養素,天然的成分容易被人體消化吸收,濃縮成份能提供人體需要的天然維他命、礦物質,這許多天然的物質是無法經由人工製造出來的,非常適合繁忙的現代人、壓力大者、偏食者、抽菸者或是發育中的青少年 做營養補給及健康維持。


Beta Carrot takes a half pound of carrots and turns it into a convenient 10-gram serving of 100% pure carrot juice crystals. Using a Unique processing method, the fiber is removed from the carrots and the juice is crystallized, resulting in a residue-free, delicious, easy- to-drink mix. 360 gram of carrot juice crystals of Beta Carrot equal to 18 pounds of Fresh Organic Carrot.

Take Care Of Your Health. Cancer Is A Silent Killer !

Wellness Concept ~ Wellness Tips@Traffic Lights Juicing !

蔬果( 果菜汁 / Traffic Lights Juicing) ) ~ 抗癌與抗慢性疾病 :




這些植物化合物,都具有鮮豔的顏色,紅色食物含茄紅素, 有有機紅甜菜素(Beta Beet), 對攝護腺有幫助,黃綠色蔬菜如玉米、及綠色蔬菜,含有黃色素及玉蜀黍黃質(類胡蘿蔔素的一種), 有有機紅蘿蔔素(Beta Carrot), 紫紅色食物含有花青素,富含強抗氧化力,如紅蘋果、葡萄、草莓及紅酒,橙色食物包括胡蘿蔔、芒果、杏子、木瓜;桔黃色則包括不同品種橘子,綠色食物有有機大麥苗(Barleygreen), 花椰菜、甘藍菜以及洋蔥等含有硫化合物,也是抗癌的主要成分。








紅綠燈如沒有了電, 就會造成交通亂七八糟.
人體如缺少營養, 健康就會亮紅燈.

最好的藥是有營養的食物 !

最好的醫生是我們身體的免疫 !